Fine shredding 8-50mm

For shredding of paper waste to the small output fraction about 8-50mm are used single shaft shredders of DRJ series. The main advantage of this machines is the access of processing heavy, tough and unshapely waste to homogenous output fraction, without overloading the working area of the shredder. The single shaft shredder is gradually able to pull in even a large layer of paper waste. Another advantage is a relatively small output size in one degree of shredding. Shredding generates large quantities of paper dust which is better to suck by a dust extractor.

Single-shaft shredders series DRJ – the principal is cutting of the wasting material between cutting edges fixed on rotation rotor and fixed stator blades in the shape of rack. Voluminous and shapeless waste is pushed to the rotor by hydraulic pressure. This leads to gradual cutting of the layer of the shredded material. There is an exchangeable sieve which defines the size of output fraction by its holes installed under the working area of the shredder. The chosen size of the hole in sieve also significantly determines the hourly capacity of the shredding.

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Single-shaft shredders

rotor rotor
třídící síto pod rotoremtřídící síto pod rotorem
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