Processing of metal chips

Industry and its various sectors produce during machining of metallic materials not only semi-finished products or final products but also metal scrap. These are not only unprocessed residues from input materials, but primarily a metal chips. So that this scrap is not only a waste, whether in the category of others or dangerous, we supply technological equipment for the processing and transformation into a form comparable with the raw material and friendly to other processing technologies. Part of this process is also to regain the cutting fluids and also to reduce a bulk weight to lower transportation costs.

 The basic technology operations are:

  • separation of large mass of metal chips into smaller pieces
  • separation of metal pieces and metal chips from each other
  • shredding of metal chips in double-shaft shredder
  • centrifuging metal chips in centrifuges
  • briquettingchipsin abriquettingpresses
  • cutting fluids extraction

For the transportation of waste material between different operations are used conveyors.

Wide range of shredders, centrifuges and briquette presses enable to select the most appropriate solution, so we can connect directly to the machine-tool as well as set up complete production line for high performance in metal chips processing centres.

We have the ability, based on our wide range of equipment and individual components, to configure the optimum metal chips processing production line, suitable for any manufacturing or processing environment. The equipment we supply, can be integrated into existing manufacturing process of metal machining.

We changed waste into raw material already 23 years ...

Maecenas fermentum

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