Other materials

Among other materials may include, for example, processing of oil filters, discarded refrigerators, polystyrene, glass, photovoltaic panels, hospital waste, etc. special shredders of different types are designed as a single purpose device for the required kind of material. Working tools and shredders drive are chosen according to the character of the processed material.

To choose the appropriate shredder and any additional equipment, the most important is to know the required size of output fraction.

Oil Filters

According to supplied and operated lines, we design and manufacture a complete line for processing of oil filters. The line is composed of technological parts of shredding, oil centrifugation, magnetic separation and final shredding of non-metal waste to the fine fraction. The hourly capacity of the line is approximately 200 - 300 pieces of oil filters per hour.



We design and manufacture a complete line for processing refrigerators corpuses without Freon filling and compressors. Refrigerators corpuses are pre-shredded in double or four-shaft slowly running shredders to the small output fraction. Magnetic metals with PUR isolation residues are separated by a magnetic separator from the other materials (pure PUR, non-magnetic metals and plastics), and in next degree of shredding these residues are purified from PUR foam residues which is followed by a second stage of re-magnetic separation. Dust fraction is separated from the shredded non-magnetic fraction (pure PUR, non-magnetic metal and plastics) by a ballistic separator. Plastics and nonmagnetic metals are manually sorted from bigger PUR pieces by an operator on the sorting conveyor.


Polystyrene (EPS), polyurethane (PUR)...

For shredding materials like these we recommend shredders of DRP series, which are intended for pre-shredding the foams with a lower surface hardness. The shredder consists of frema, a pair of shafts with segments (fitted with width assembled hammers) and wiring with a drive. This ensures rotation of the shafts against each other and thus the waste is drawn into the shredding rollers and subsequently it is shredded by segments to small pieces. The output fractions are waste pieces of the size according to the type and the density of segments.

Download document (DRP) .pdf

Glass, roofing materials...

For shredding of these materials, we use shredders of DRS series which are designed for glass shredding, roofing materials and other brittle materials. The shredder consists of Frema, a pair of rotors with welded teeth and wiring with a drive. This ensures turning the rotors against each other and shredding the glass. Outputs are pieces of glass in size according to the density of welded teeth.

Download document (DRS) .pdf


We changed waste into raw material already 23 years ...

Maecenas fermentum

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Pellentesque aliquam

Nullam viverra purus

Maecenas nec pulvinar leo

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