Rotary sorter

For sorting different kinds of waste materials with requirements for high hour capacity of sorters and for sorting wet and sticky waste, are used large-scale rotary sorting sieves. Principle of the sorting is a movement of a waste material inside a rotating drum, whose sheathing is fitted with a raster or replaceable sieve. These sorters can be double-drum, which can sort the waste material into three fractions outputs. The advantage of this principle is mutual tumbling of sorted material, so a sticky and polluted waste without clogging decks can be sorted.

Rotary sorting can be stationary or mobile with diesel generated power, without a connection of a power supply. Rotary sorting sieves are suitable for sorting: municipal waste, soil, sand and gravel, wooden chips, compost, construction debris, recycled and others.

ODES Ltd. Offers rotary sorting sieves from renowned European manufacturers, ensuring all the comforts such as buying equipment from domestic manufacturers.

We changed waste into raw material already 23 years ...

Maecenas fermentum

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