Drum shredders

The principle of drum shredding is a high speed of a working tool (a chain, which is as a working equipment inexpensive and easily replaceable) in a enclosed workspace of the shredder (thick-walled metal tube). In this tube a rotating chain hits at high speed into a shredding material so the material is mechanically shredded. As a result is high efficiency shredding and separating various materials or disrupting of their structure.

These shredders are suitable solely for shredding:

  • composite (multiple-layer and multiple-species) materials, such as; electro waste, electro motors, recycling of refrigerators,
  • aluminium waste - mainly it is a recycling of cars radiators and catalysts (to get the precious metals contained inside of them),
  • heavy magnesium cubes – to get an aluminium parts out of them (magnesium is broken into powder and aluminium pieces are then separated easily).
  • They are used as a main component of recycling lines.
We changed waste into raw material already 23 years ...

Maecenas fermentum

Odes s.r.o. se v posledních letech intenzivně zabývá výrobou třídících linek pro komunální odpad, kde na výstupu najdeme suroviny k dalšímu prodeji, spolu s alternativním palivem a dalšími komoditami. S výsledkem naší práce se můžete setkat nejen v ČR.

Pellentesque aliquam

Nullam viverra purus

Maecenas nec pulvinar leo

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