Processing of paper waste

Depending on the purpose of the following use or processing paper waste (cardboard, paper pack, boxes, folders, catalogues, newsprints, paper cores, pallets etc.) can be shredded on different types of shredding equipment. The purpose of shredding may be the processing of materials for pressing, briquetting, incineration, volume reduction, discarding, etc. Generally, paper and cardboard are ones of the worst – crushable waste. This fact makes big demands on the equipment in which the waste material is processed.

Cardboards and paper packs are usually of a large size and light waste which are necessary to adjust size before the processing. For this purpose we use cardboard shredder of TK series. Cardboard shredder tears volume materials to rough pieces easily transported on conveyors e.g. to the following stage of shredding or in the most cases effectively pressed in high capacity horizontal balers. The main advantage of cardboard shredder is the size of input opening of working area which can be up to two meters wide.

Cardboard shredder .pdf

To choose a suitable shredder for further processing, it is important to know the size and shape of the material to be processed with connection to an hourly capacity of processing and the required output size of the fraction.

Size of output fraction:

Fine shredding waste

Shredding of different materials to homogenous fractions 8-50mm.


Medium pre-shredding

Shredding of different materials to fractions 40-300mm.


We changed waste into raw material already 23 years ...

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