Sorters and screeners

The requirement for sorting materials according to various aspects comes in various levels of production and recycling processes. It may be required to sort the material by size or by type of the material. Customers often require the removal of metal contaminants from waste destined for further processing, or their detection. For using metal separators or metal detectors, it is necessary to make a nonmagnetic zone at the installation place.

To sort the materials by size, are used different types of screeners with or without sieves. The type and size of the machine is selected according to the nature of sorted material, its quantity and the requirement for individual sorted size. The most used types are vibrating, rotating and star screeners.

We changed waste into raw material already 23 years ...

Maecenas fermentum

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Pellentesque aliquam

Nullam viverra purus

Maecenas nec pulvinar leo

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