Preparation of tyres before shredding

For tyres processing (from trucks and industrial machinery), it is important to prepare them before entering the line for mechanical shredding to a smaller output fraction. In one working cycle tyre beads, which are over the inner circuit of the tyre, are removed with the use of hydraulic puller. By pulling out tyre beads the operator obtains the pure metal for a resale.

After the extraction of tyre beads, it is suitable to reduce bulky tyres to smaller pieces, due to the manipulation with respect to the size of the working area in the input shredder of the line. For splitting lengthwise of the tyres we can use the tyre cutter which cuts the tyre along its perimeter. During subsequent handling there is a risk of dropping unwanted objects (such as stones and metal pieces etc.) from the cut tyres. These objects could cause damage in the series of slowly running shredders.




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