Vibrating sorter

For sorting free flowing and non-sticky waste materials, with a requirement for high precision in size of sorted fractions are used vibratory sorting sieves. Vibrating sorting sieves can be Multi-sieves, ie. one device is able to sort out the multiple fractions. Vibrating sorting sieves may be used for sorting waste materials from very small output fractions (from 1 mm and more). When a request for sorting slightly sticky materials are vibrating sorting sieves supplemented by “shaking balls" which ensure continuous surface cleaning of the sieve from clogging. Sieves are made of wires or perforated metal sheets, according to the requirements and characteristics of the sorted material.

To sort the larger size of the waste materials can be used so. "Finger" vibrating sorters. The principle of the sorting is sliding of the material over sorting grids which are mutually sorted in a downward cascade. A pitch of the raster of the sorting grids determines the size of under-sieves and over-sieves fractions. The advantage of these sorters is their usage for more sticky waste materials. Fingers vibrating sorters are being used for separation of waste materials from the size of 10 mm and larger.

ODES Ltd. offers vibrating sorting sieves from renowned domestic manufacturers, ensuring good customer service.

We changed waste into raw material already 23 years ...

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