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Rotary sorter


A ban of municipal waste on landfilling

Specifically, the amendment no. 229/2014 contains the following significant changes:

  • In § 17 municipalities have to provide space for a separate gathering of municipal waste, hazardous waste, paper, plastics, glass, metal and biodegradable waste. Currently, the Ministry of the Environment is preparing a decree that should adjust the details.
  • On the landfill from 2024 is prohibited put mixed municipal waste and recyclable and recoverable waste stipulated in an implementing regulation (§ 21odst. 7).
  • The maximum total amount of waste deposited in a landfill as a material for technical securing landfills may reach a maximum of 20% of the total weight of waste deposited in the landfill in a given calendar year (§ 45 vapour. 3).


We changed waste into raw material already 23 years ...

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