DRU 2400 - Shredder with a hydraulic pressing device

DRU 2400 - Shredder with a hydraulic pressing device

Stand of the shredderStand of the shredder

Stand of the shredder assembling

Main bodyMain body

Main body assembling

First shaft assemblingFirst shaft assembling

First shaft assembling

Second shaft assemblingSecond shaft assembling

Second shaft assembling

Working spaceWorking space

Working space of the shredder

Hydraulic pressing deviceHydraulic pressing device

Hydraulic pressing device


Hopper´s parts assembling

DRU 2400DRU 2400

DRU 2400 series shredder

A ban of municipal waste on landfilling

Specifically, the amendment no. 229/2014 contains the following significant changes:

  • In § 17 municipalities have to provide space for a separate gathering of municipal waste, hazardous waste, paper, plastics, glass, metal and biodegradable waste. Currently, the Ministry of the Environment is preparing a decree that should adjust the details.
  • On the landfill from 2024 is prohibited put mixed municipal waste and recyclable and recoverable waste stipulated in an implementing regulation (§ 21odst. 7).
  • The maximum total amount of waste deposited in a landfill as a material for technical securing landfills may reach a maximum of 20% of the total weight of waste deposited in the landfill in a given calendar year (§ 45 vapour. 3).


We changed waste into raw material already 23 years ...

Maecenas fermentum

Odes s.r.o. se v posledních letech intenzivně zabývá výrobou třídících linek pro komunální odpad, kde na výstupu najdeme suroviny k dalšímu prodeji, spolu s alternativním palivem a dalšími komoditami. S výsledkem naší práce se můžete setkat nejen v ČR.

Pellentesque aliquam

Nullam viverra purus

Maecenas nec pulvinar leo

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