Chain-belt conveyor - France

Chain-belt conveyor - France

Long part of the conveyor - 14mLong part of the conveyor - 14m

Long part of the conveyor - 14m

Swan neck - 6mSwan neck - 6m

Swan neck - 6m

Chain tension part with a flapChain tension part with a flap

Chain tension part with a flap

Conveyor´s pitConveyor´s pit

An empty pit, ready for the conveyor

Supporting standsSupporting stands

Supporting stands

Fitting in the conveyor_1Fitting in the conveyor_1

Fitting in the conveyor_1

Fitting in the conveyor_2Fitting in the conveyor_2

Fitting in the conveyor_2

Fitting in the conveyor_3Fitting in the conveyor_3

Fitting in the conveyor_3

Fitting in the conveyor_4Fitting in the conveyor_4

Fitting in the conveyor_4

A pit viewA pit view

A pit view

Baler and conveyor Baler and conveyor

Conveyor DPR 1600/22 connected to the BOA baler

Testing operationTesting operation

Testing operation

We changed waste into raw material already 23 years ...

Maecenas fermentum

Odes s.r.o. se v posledních letech intenzivně zabývá výrobou třídících linek pro komunální odpad, kde na výstupu najdeme suroviny k dalšímu prodeji, spolu s alternativním palivem a dalšími komoditami. S výsledkem naší práce se můžete setkat nejen v ČR.

Pellentesque aliquam

Nullam viverra purus

Maecenas nec pulvinar leo

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