Large pre-shredding 90-500mm

For pre-shredding of large waste plastics pieces to output fraction of size 90-500mm are used double shaft shredders series DRD, DRW and DRU.

Double shaft shredders series DRD – double shaft series of slowly running shredders with two drives (for each shaft) are shredders of DRD series. They are suitable for pre-shredding large, oversized and tough materials with request for a higher hourly capacity of the shredder. These shredders are in the most cases fitted with hydraulic pressure. Hourly capacity of shredders series DRD is between 3000-5000kg/h.

Download document (DRD) pdf

Double shaft shredders series DRW and DRU – the largest produced double shaft shredders are DRW and DRU series. Shredders drive is solved by two electric or hydraulic drives (-H) for each shaft. Shredders are suitable for shredding oversized waste materials. The largest stationary shredder of DRU series is located in the Czech Republic. Shredders are equipped with hydraulic pressure in order to push oversized waste into the working area. Hourly capacity of the shredder is from 5000 to over 10000 kg/h.

   Download document (DRW, DRU) .pdf





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