Small pre-shredding 20-200mm

Double-shaft shredders series DRE or four-shaft shredders series DRX, DRY are used for small pre-shredding of the output fraction size about 20-200mm.

Double-shaft shredders series DRE - process material by using segments on the shafts, which slowly rotate against each other. The output fraction is in the form of stripes or pieces. Its size depends on the character of the input material and width of the segments. Due to the fact that this is the smallest series of double-shaft shredders, it is necessary to take into account their small force parameters. Materials processed in shredders series DRE must be easy to process mechanically in order to achieve effective shredding.

Drtiče řady DRE a DRMDownload document (DRE) .pdf

Four-shaft shredders series DRX, DRY - for shredding of the waste into homogenous output fraction (the same size) can be used four-shaft shredders series DRX and DRY. The main advantage of this four-shaft shredder is the combination of features double-shaft shredder with effective use of the sieve under the working area with prevention of choking of the material in the space between the shredding segments. Considering the stacking segments on the main and auxiliary shafts (by their mutual fitting), the space between the shredding segments are being constantly cleans. As the space is cleaning the waste material is effectively shredded to the required output size. The size is determined by parameters of the holes in the sieve.

Drtiče řady DRXDownload document (DRX-Y) .pdf

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