Special Conveyors

Are specially-made conveyors, according to customer´s requirements and conveyed material or technology, in which the conveyor is being used. These conveyors are usually modified by nonstandard devices (e.g. the inclined belt conveyor in production line for the production of diapers with dispensing windows, to get rid of defective diapers).

Into the category of special conveyors also belong:

Lightweight conveyors with modular belts (belts are composed of individual plastic segments, which can be combined, attached and in case of breakage of the belt, the only defective part can be replaced) and rollways.

Rollways are primarily used for easier handling and conveying large pieces of material and packaging ( cardboard boxes from produstion etc.), can be either horizontall or with a small climb / descend. They are being sold as active (included drive) or passive (w/o drive).

We changed waste into raw material already 23 years ...

Maecenas fermentum

Odes s.r.o. se v posledních letech intenzivně zabývá výrobou třídících linek pro komunální odpad, kde na výstupu najdeme suroviny k dalšímu prodeji, spolu s alternativním palivem a dalšími komoditami. S výsledkem naší práce se můžete setkat nejen v ČR.

Pellentesque aliquam

Nullam viverra purus

Maecenas nec pulvinar leo

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