Belt conveyors

Belt conveyors are supplied either as light sliding, gutter or roller sections with two or three supporting rollers at the bottom. The length, width and angle of the conveyor are designed according to the type of transported material and customer´s requirements. The belt can be made of PVC, polyurethane or rubber. Depending on the nature of the material and the angle of the conveyor, can be equipped with transverse carriers, side cover or side waveguide. Conveyors can have other modifications, such as nonmagnetic zone for potential metal separator placement, separation roller ending, frequency conventor etc.

Belt - sliding conveyors

DPK series belt conveyors - are designed for transporting by pieces or free flowing material. The construction of the conveyor is self-supporting. The belt is guided over a sliding section and is used for conveying lighter materials. For this type of conveyors are used in most cases easily slideable PVC or PU strips.

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Belt - roller conveyors

DPV series belt conveyors – are designed for transporting by pieces or free flowing material of a larger bulk density with the requirement for higher hourly capacity of the conveyor. The construction of the conveyor is self-supporting. The belt is guided over a roller section with one, two or three supporting rollers. For this type of conveyor are used in most cases hard and durable rubber belts (Optionaly profiled ribbing can be used on the upper side of the belt).

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