Star screen

For sorting of waste materials with the requirement for a high hour capacity of the sorter and for sorting of wet and sticky waste are used active star screens. It is a system of shafts, on which are deployed either rubber or metal sorting star screens. These star screens rotate in the direction of material flow through the production line and are driven by a set of gears with a chain. A fraction smaller than the pitch of the star screens falls dawn through the stars and larger pieces of material "flow through" over the top of the stars to the end.

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We changed waste into raw material already 23 years ...

Maecenas fermentum

Odes s.r.o. se v posledních letech intenzivně zabývá výrobou třídících linek pro komunální odpad, kde na výstupu najdeme suroviny k dalšímu prodeji, spolu s alternativním palivem a dalšími komoditami. S výsledkem naší práce se můžete setkat nejen v ČR.

Pellentesque aliquam

Nullam viverra purus

Maecenas nec pulvinar leo

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